Woman Received £13,000 by West Midland Police for False Arrest

Woman Received Money by West Midland Police for False Arrest

A woman who runs a Christian charity as a volunteer was arrested just for praying in front of an abortion center.

A Christian woman was arrested for praying outside an abortion.  The woman is a Christian charity volunteer.  Who was paid £13,000 by the police for wrongful arrest and violation of human rights and also received an apology.

 West Midlands Police have twice faced false arrests, wrongful imprisonment and human rights abuses.

 He was first arrested in November 2022 for praying in silence near an abortion clinic in the King’s Norton area of Birmingham.

 Voluntary woman Von Sprouse faced indictment and trial.

 However, in February 2023, he was acquitted by a court in Birmingham.  The prosecution had failed to provide evidence for the charges.

 A few weeks later he was arrested again for praying on a public road inside the buffer zone.  At the time of arrest, the police said that you are engaged in prayer, which is a crime.

 Voluntary woman Von Sprouse faced indictment and trial.

 Van Sprouse has been awarded £13,000, after issuing a claim against the police.

 The volunteer woman says, that offering silent prayers is not a crime.  Yet I was arrested twice by West Midlands Police.

 Despite this victory, I am concerned that the violation may be repeated.

 However, the government is considering officially criminalizing silent prayer outside of abortion jokes.

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