US President Joe Biden is under Scrutiny | NATO Military Summit | Biden’s Suitability

US President Joe Biden is under heavy Scrutiny

Following seven congressmen who came out and urged 81-year-old President Joe Biden to resign, the first Democratic senator openly questioned the likelihood that Biden would win the presidency.

Senate Majority Leader Michael Bennet told CNN that he anticipated a “landslide” victory for Donald Trump over the incumbent president, but he refrained from advising him to withdraw.

After a disappointing showing against Trump in the final presidential debate of the month, concerns have been expressed regarding Mr. Biden’s suitability for the position.

After congressional Democrats convened to discuss the president’s leadership on Tuesday, the president maintains his support among important allies and believes he can defeat his opponent.

This week, the US president is under even more scrutiny as he serves as host of a NATO military summit, where world leaders will be discussing aid to Ukraine.

When he gives a press conference during the gathering in Washington on Thursday afternoon, he is likely to come under heavy international scrutiny.

After the congressional discussions on Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer pointed out to reporters, “I’m with Joe.”

Others have emphasized how crucial party unity is. Congressman Hank Johnson of Georgia said on BBC Radio 4’s World Tonight that it was time to “break the circular firing squad” surrounding Mr. Biden.

Mr. Johnson belongs to the powerful Black Caucus in Congress. Despite acknowledging that he and Trump had a “horrible” debate, Mr. Biden insisted that a resounding majority of voters of color had supported him.

The caucus, which consists of around 60 lawmakers, is said to have supported the president on a Monday call.

Mr. Biden proclaimed the alliance to be “more powerful than ever” during his succinct but forceful opening remarks to the NATO summit on Tuesday.

He seemed to be in a very different mood from his awkward performance in the June 27 debate, according to observers.

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