UK Foreign Secretary Visit to Norway – Discussion on  Defence, Ukraine Support, and Energy Security

Foreign Secretary David Lammy

During a visit to Norwegian Joint Headquarters today (September 18), Foreign Secretary David Lammy and Foreign Minister Barth Eide will pledge to enhance defense and security cooperation between the UK and Norway.

The Foreign Secretary will reiterate both nations’ commitment to Ukraine during his visit, focusing on providing military support to strengthen defense capabilities. Along with efforts to combat Russia’s shadow fleet, they will talk about how UK sanctions are continuing to cut off the flow of illegal money to Putin’s war chest.

Norway and the UK have a long history of working together on security and defense issues, particularly in the North. Over 4,000 UK soldiers will travel to Norway. over the next six months for military drills and winter training. Norway has been the host country for Arctic training by the British Armed Forces for more than 50 years.

Foreign Secretary David Lammy Said: 

Foreign Secretary will reiterate both nations' commitment to Ukraine during his visit, focusing on providing military support to strengthen defense capabilities.
  • The UK’s relationship with Norway. A crucial ally in the defence of NATO’s northern flank is more important. than ever in light of the return of war to the European continent.
  • We are training and assisting the Ukrainian armed forces. As well as strengthening the nation’s air defense and maritime capabilities. All while remaining steadfast in our support for Ukraine.
  • Our collaborative efforts, at the Norwegian military headquarters. Highlight the significance of our efforts to strengthen Europe’s defenses. Norway acts, as a watchdog over the North Pole.
  • This government’s top priority in terms of foreign and defense is Euro-Atlantic security.

The UK and Norway have decided to increase intelligence sharing and cooperation to combat Russian disinformation networks in Europe and beyond in response to Russia’s persistent efforts to spread malign influence as well as its recent and unjustified expulsion of British diplomats.

The Norwegian navy’s patrols of the waters, between the UK and the Russian Northern Fleet. Which are intended to detect thwart and control increasingly sophisticated underwater threats to critical national infrastructure security and energy will be welcomed by the Foreign Secretary.

Particularly in regard to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. Norway is a crucial ally in the efforts to prevent conflict and promote peace. Norway and the UK are also committed to ensuring that their shared development ambitions benefit their international partners.

Another important trading partner, that helps the UK get the energy it needs to drive growth is Norway. The Norwegian and UK prime ministers decided to start working on a new partnership on security and the energy transition in July for this reason.

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