Today’s Weather Forecast for England, Wales, N.Ireland and Scotland

Weather Forecast for South West of England

UK Today is expected to be the hottest day

Today is expected to be the hottest day of the year thus far, with temperatures rising to 35C in some areas of the country.

Temperatures increased on Sunday across much of the country due to warm European air; according to the Met Office, Monday highs of 34 to 35 degrees Celsius are possible.

“It’s going to be hot,” meteorologist Craig Snell of the Met Office predicted.

It will be extremely uncomfortable, outside throughout central and eastern England due to the upcoming weather. Which includes high levels of humidity.

“The hottest weather is expected in central and eastern England. But it will still be warm and muggy elsewhere”.

This is the case even though the Met Office has issued two yellow weather warnings for thunderstorms in certain areas of Scotland, Northern Ireland, and northern England.

The warmest temperatures are predicted for London, East Anglia, and the home counties, with highs of 33°C in London, 26°C in Manchester, and 21°C in Edinburgh.

The 19th of July, when temperatures in central London hit 31.9C was the hottest day of 2024 thus far.

A Yellow Heat Health Alert Is In Place

Last week, weather experts predicted, that Storm Debby’s aftereffects in the US might affect the UK. Changing the jet stream’s direction and bringing with it higher temperatures.

Yellow Heat Health Weather Alert by MET Office
Yellow Alert, image by MET Office

The UK Health Security Agency has announced that until Wednesday morning. A yellow heat health alert is in effect for the East and West Midlands, East of England, South East, West, North West and London.

According to the alert, the heatwave might not have a big effect on health and the social care industry.

Along with drinking lots of water, the Met Office advises people to keep their curtains closed, during the hottest parts of the day.

Weather Alerts Issued

However, there two distinct storm warnings in effect, so not everyone in the UK will experience the scorching temperatures.

While there is a “combination of frequent lightning, heavy rain, hail and short periods of strong winds” during the early morning rush hour, drivers warned to expect spray on the roads and some road closures.

Monday from 1 pm to 1 pm is, when the warning for northern England and Scotland is in effect. And it lasts until 7 am in Northern Ireland.

There May Be “Nasty” Conditions

Storms are beginning to move into the Republic of Ireland late on Sunday night, according to Mr. Snell.

They are going to start moving into Northern Ireland later this evening. Later that night and into the following day.

 They will cross Scotland and northern England.

“There are some potentially nasty spots up there.”

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