The G7 agreed to lend $50 billion to Ukraine from Russian frozen assets

G7 summit agreed to support ukraine with russian frozen 50 billion dollar support

These Russian assets will be given to Ukraine for use against Russian forces. At the summit, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Biden signed a bilateral ten-year security agreement. According to agreement they will provide training assistance to Ukraine. But Washington is not obligated to send troops to fight.

By preserving Ukraine’s capacity for self-defense, the security agreement will support energy development, the defense industry, and economic recovery.

According to the deal, in support of Ukraine a high-level consultation will be held to determine the necessary measures and impose costs on Russia. In an attack by the Russian armed forces.

The G7 has frozen $325 billion in assets, along with the EU, following a Russian attack in 2022.

$3 billion will be used for Ukrainians and $50 billion for annual interest payments, The assets taken in international markets.

However, this sterling is not expected to reach end of the year.

President Biden told in the joint conference that this agreement reminds Putin that we are not going back. And the $50 billion loan will work for Ukraine.

The United States has decided to stay with Ukraine in this war until they succeed in this war.

The Ukrainian president thanked the US and other involved allies for their support.

The Ukrainian President said that we have signed the strongest agreement between the two countries (Ukraine-USA) after our independence.  This is truly a historic day for ukraine.

G7 countries have been supporting Ukraine financially and militarily.

Rishi Sunak and other leaders hailed the $50 billion as a game changer.