Southport Incident Created Unrest In The UK, 100 Arrested In London

Southport incident London Protest

The knife attack in Southport spread across the country at large. Dozens of protest arrests

More than 100 people were arrested in central London last evening after officers clashed with protesters on Whitehall, close to Downing Street.

eight people were arrested at broke out in Hartlepool, several officers were injured and a police car was set on fire.

Today, PM Sir Keir Starmer will meet with senior police leaders to give them his “full backing” despite the ongoing unrest.

Protesters have been discovered throwing flares at a statue of Winston Churchill and the gates to Downing Street in London.

As they threw bottles and cans at police, people could be heard chanting things like “stop the boats” and “save our kids”.

The Met had earlier claimed that the protest’s boundaries had been broken.

According to the Met, on Wednesday night, it made arrests for several offenses, such as violent disorder, assault on emergency personnel, and violation of protest guidelines.

The Met said that some officers “suffered minor injuries”. But that their deployment was to “ensure disorder was contained”.

Violence broke out in Hartlepool and several officers were hurt as well, according to Cleveland Police.

After protesters threw eggs and glass bottles at police. Eight people were arrested for violating the peace. There was also a set fire of a police car.

Arrests in Cleveland, Chief Superintendent David Sutherland said. “At this point, we believe the protest is connected to the incident in Southport earlier this week.”

According to the force, “more arrests are possible to be made in the upcoming days.”

Aldershot and Manchester have also reported incidents of disorder and intimidating behavior. There have been no takedowns.

100 People Arrested in London for violence
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Protesters in the Newton Heath area dispersed, according to Greater Manchester Police. After being thrown items were launched at the public and police.”

Local MP Alex Baker reported, that a nonviolent demonstration at a hotel in the Hampshire town “descended into intimidating behavior” in Aldershot.

She claimed, that individuals from outside our community, who came here to cause trouble made the incident worse.

“While we all support the freedom to protest peacefully. We will not tolerate outsiders who come to our communities to cause unrest and divide the local population.”

The chaos on Wednesday came after Tuesday night’s disturbances near a Southport mosque when the structure was attacked.

Bricks were also thrown at Merseyside Police officers and a police van was set on fire.

Senior law enforcement officials today will be welcomed to Downing Street by the prime minister.

The shocking events in Southport this week, will serve as a reminder of the bravery of our emergency service personnel and the critically important work they perform to keep the public safe. This is what the prime minister will say.

The freedom to peaceful protest must be upheld at all costs, but it must also be made plain that those who use that freedom to incite hatred and commit violent crimes will be held fully accountable by the law.

Unrest in the UK after Southport incident
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The disorder began when Elsie Dot Stancombe, 7, Bebe King, 6, and 9-year-old Alice Dasilva Aguiar were fatally stabbed on Monday. While they were at a holiday club in Southport with a Taylor Swift theme.

Two adults and eight other children were critically injured by knives, with five of the children in critical condition.

Early on Thursday morning, three counts of murder and ten counts of attempted murder were brought against a 17-year-old boy by Merseyside Police.

Due to legal reasons, the teenager’s identity cannot be revealed. However, Liverpool City Magistrates’ Court is where they will appear on Thursday.

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