Smuggling of Cannabis Drug in UK | 15 Tons Antidote Caught At UK Airports in 2024

15 Tons Antidote Caught At UK Airports in 2024

The amount of cannabis seized from smugglers transporting the drug in suitcases to UK airports has tripled in less than a year.

So far in 2024, approximately 15 tonnes of the drug have been discovered at airports, compared to 5 tonnes in all of 2023 and 2 tonnes in 2022.

136 suspects were arrested in 2023, while 378 have been detained this year.

National Crime Agency (NCA): The increase may be brought on by both the possibility of larger profits, in the UK market and the overproduction of the drug in nations where it is legal.

Passengers are being stopped for carrying massive amounts of cannabis in their luggage.

Fernando Mayans Fuster, 51, a Spanish national, was stopped at Manchester airport with eight suitcases containing 158kg of cannabis after flying in from Los Angeles in May.

He was sentenced to three years and four months in prison at Manchester Crown Court on July 19.

Another massive seizure occurred on August 9 at Birmingham Airport, when 510kg of the drug was discovered in 28 suitcases brought from Thailand via Paris. Eleven passengers were detained and released on bail until November 9.

The majority of those detained this year (184) were from Thailand, followed by Canada (75) and the United States (47).

According to reports, couriers are paid up to £10,000 per trip. But they are misled into believing, that if caught they will only face a fine. 14 years in prison is the maximum penalty for importing cannabis into the UK.

According to James Babbage, the NCA’s director general of threats. “It’s not always evident whether the mules were aware of the potential effects. But in most cases, they were operating on behalf of organized criminal gangs.”

“And those couriers face a potentially life-changing prison sentence.

“Illicit trade and smuggling of legally grown cannabis from the USA, Canada, and Thailand into the UK can result in significant financial gains for gangs.We strongly advise you to consider the risks and potential consequences before deciding if someone approaches you about smuggling.

“We know that organized criminals can be persuasive and offer to pay couriers. But the chances of being caught are high and it simply isn’t worth the risk.”

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