Behind Russia’s Nuclear War Threat: What’s Driving the Crisis?

Russia Nuclear War Threat to ukrain

With 5500 nuclear war heads, Russia has one of the world’s highest numbers of nuclear weapons countries. The ongoing war in Ukraine has elicited all-time skirmishes. In a fresh statement, parliament’s defense committee chairman said that if Moscow feels that the ongoing war threat is increasing, then they could think of an official policy about the use of nuclear weapons.

The Russo-Ukraine war since February 2014 is one of the biggest hostilities after the Cuban Missile Crisis since 1962 with the West Block.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin also stated that he might think of an official nuclear doctrine under which nuclear weapons could be used. In another statement, given by Andrey Kartapolov (former russian army officer), a member of the Russian lower house parliament committee and also a lawmaker serving in the United Russia party,

“If Russia sees that the war’s challenges and threats are increasing, it means they have to correct something in the doctrine regarding the use of nuclear weapons and also the decision to make use of it.”

According to Russia’s 2020 nuclear doctrine, the president can consider using a nuclear weapon. If the threat of an attack on the state is severe, they can use nuclear, mass destruction weapons, or conventional weapons.

In an ongoing arms race, Russia and China are developing their nuclear stash by the 2030s, and the USA, for the first time in history, will face two major nuclear powers as strategic contenders and impending foes.

In this context, the United States may have to set up more tactical nuclear weapons in the upcoming years to put off Russia, China, and other foes.

The good news is that Russia is interested in dialogue with the United States, if only as a part of comprehensively relating European security to the future of Ukraine.

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