“The Untold History of the Israel-Palestine Conflict: Must-Read Analysis”

History of the Israel-Palestine Conflict

This Israel-Palestine Conflict is between Muslims and Jews. That is, for the Muslims, this war is against the infidels.  To oppress the Muslim people and martyr them.  And the world should maintain its own rule. Indications of these wars have been given in Muslim history.

History of the Israelites

Ancient Era:

Bani Israel is mentioned in the Torah (Jewish religious book) and the Bible (Old Testament).  Their prophet was Hazrat Ibrahim (peace be upon him), who migrated from Ur in Iraq and settled in Canaan (Palestine).

After Hazrat Ishaq (PBHH) son of Hazrat Ibrahim (PBUH) and his son Hazrat Yaqub (PBUH) also known as Israel their generation was formed which was named Israel.

Slavery in Egypt:

Bani Israel settled in Egypt during the time of Hazrat Yusuf (PBUH).  Later, during the reign of Pharaoh, they were persecuted and became slaves.

Hazrat Musa (peace be upon him) rescued them from Egypt and led them through the Sinai desert towards Palestine.

According to Muslim history, Jews were God’s favorite nation. But because of disobeying the last prophet he was deprived of a life of luxury.

Residence in Palestine:

According to the Torah, Bani Israel tried to enter Palestine under the guidance of Hazrat Musa (PBUH) but due to various reasons this work was completed during the reign of Hazrat Joshua bin Nun (PBUH).

The Bani Israel settled in Palestine through various tribes and established kingdoms here, the most famous of which was the kingdom of Hazrat Dawud (PBUH) and Hazrat Solomon (PBUH).

Babylonian Captivity:

After the death of Hazrat Sulaiman (PBUH), the kingdom was divided into two parts. The northern part was called Israel and the southern part was called Judah.

In 586 BC, the Babylonian king Bakht Nasr destroyed Jerusalem and took the Israelites to Babylon.

A Return to Palestine in Modern Times

The Zionist Movement:

The Zionist movement began in the late 19th century to establish a Jewish state in Palestine.

The movement was led by Theodor Herzl, and Jews began to migrate to Palestine.

This was the period when Israel began to establish its footing in the world—and started building power to control the world. This is proven by Jewish books.

British Mandate and Balfour Declaration:

After World War (I)  Britain occupied Palestine and issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917, supporting a national home for Jews.

In 1920s-1940s The Jewish population in Palestine increased.

Establishment of Israel:

In 1947, the UN proposed a plan to partition Palestine into Arab and Jewish states, which was only accepted by the Jews.

On May 14, 1948, Israel declared its independence, after which the Arab-Israeli War began. This process was done without the consent of one side and today the Palestinians are suffering the consequences of this injustice.

Claims and Occupancy Process:

Israel occupied forcibly Palestinian territories and established Jewish settlements through various wars and agreements.

After the Six-Day War of 1967, Israel occupied East Jerusalem, the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights, and parts of the Sinai.

Some of these areas were returned, but Israeli occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem remains.


The history of Bani Israel is very ancient and their settlement in Palestine is thousands of years old. In modern times, the Zionist movement began efforts to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, which eventually culminated in the establishment of Israel in 1948. Israel then occupied the Palestinian territories through various wars and treaties, leading to the ongoing conflict to this day.

The Number Of Martyrs And Wounded In Gaza

37,431 innocent lives have been lost in Israeli attacks so far.  In which there are more than 15000 children.  More than 10,000 people are missing.

85,653 people are injured.

Number of martyrs and injured in West Bank

So far 549 people have been killed in Israeli attacks in the West Bank. Among them there are around 135 children. And the number of injured has reached close to 5000.

15 people and 6 children are being killed every hour by Israeli attacks in Gaza. And 35 people are getting injured.

42 bombs are being dropped and 12 buildings are being destroyed.

Attacks on journalists

More than 100 journalists reporting from various international channels were also killed in Israeli attacks. The largest number of them are Palestinian journalists. Around 96 Palestinian journalists, 3 Lebanese journalists and 4 Israeli journalists have been killed.

Infrastructure situation in Gaza

israel dstroyed gaza infrastructure with bombing
Israel Destroyed 80% infrastructure

Gaza has a total population of 2.3 million. 47% of which are children. So far, 60 percent of the residential buildings in Gaza have been destroyed. 80% of commercial facilities have been affected. 267 mosques have also been destroyed. Only 17 out of 35 hospitals are functioning. 130 ambulances have also been destroyed. While 88% of school buildings have been destroyed.

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