England and Wales’s Rising in Violence Against Women and Girls “Its National Emergency” Says UK Police

England and Wales's Rising in Violence Against Women and Girls

Crime in London News | Young men and boys could become radicalized in a similar way to how terrorists recruit followers. According to senior police officer Maggie Blyth.

Speaking at the same time as the National Police Chiefs Council declared a “national emergency” in response to a report it had published on violence against women and girls.

According to the NPCC, In England and Wales, an estimated 2 million women, or one out of every twelve, are victims of violence each year. 

Also, it asserted that the growth of the issue was due to “more complicated types of offending”.

Deputy Chief Constable Maggie Blyth reported that counterterrorism teams were now collaborating with officers who dealt with violence against women and girls to examine the possibility of radicalization among young men.

Regarding harmful content on the internet, she stated: “We know that some of this is also linked to young people becoming radicalized online. We know the influencers, Andrew Tate, and the element of influencing of particularly boys is quite terrifying.” This is something that both the nation’s leaders in counterterrorism and we, from the perspective of violence against women and girls, are discussing.”

Mr. Tate appeared on Big Brother in 2016. Mr. Tate is a controversial British-American influencer and self-described “misogynist” who became well-known.

Andrew Tate British American Influencer
Andrew Tate

He is currently in Romania, awaiting his trial. He denies rape, human trafficking, and forming a criminal organization to defraud and rape women.

Teachers in the UK previously told the BBC that they were seeing more and more students. Who were the admirers of Mr. Tate.

According to a comprehensive released report on Tuesday by the College of Policing and the NPCC, violence against women and girls has reached “epidemic” proportions.

It highlighted several serious risks that victims face, such as child sexual abuse, domestic violence, stalking, and sexual assault.

The research revealed that between 2018 and 2023, there was a 37% rise in the number of violent crimes committed against women and girls.

More than a million of these crimes, or 20% of all crimes reported to the police, were reportedly committed in England and Wales in just the previous year.

An increase in reporting and increased public awareness of those crimes have contributed to part of the rise.

However, police chiefs assert that one of the main demands on officers is the continued rise in domestic abuse.

Additionally, it calculated that 2.3 million adults, or one in every 20 adults, committed acts of violence of this nature annually.

More than a million of these crimes, or 20% of all crimes reported to the police, were reportedly committed in England and Wales in just the previous year.
Photo by Chang Hsien on Unsplash

According to the NPCC, it is setting up a central hub that would provide specialized knowledge and training to police forces to assist them.

In the next 10 years, the government hopes to cut down on violence against women and girls by half. It says it welcomes the hub.

Yvette Cooper, the home secretary, has stated before that she will place a high priority on ending violence against women and girls.

Although Labour has not provided much information about its plans thus far, it did state in its manifesto that it would establish specialized rape investigation units in every force in England and Wales as well as assign additional specialist domestic abuse workers to 999 control rooms to make sure that early opportunities for protection and prevention were not lost.

At a time when policing faces many difficulties, such as retention and morale issues, this would require more trained police officers and additional resources.

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