Devastating Arson Attack on Historic Greenisland Church

Arson Attack on Historic Greenisland Church

Just four days after a devastating arson attack on the Church of the Holy Name, hundreds of people from all over the Greenisland community gathered last night to hear Rev. Isobel Hawthorne-Steele deliver a message of hope.

The adjacent Greenisland Baptist Church hosted a special service, during which the minister acknowledged, that there would be more sadness in the coming years and that many events would not be able to take place at the church. Which has served the community for 70 years.

We have all cried. There will undoubtedly be a lot more, she stated.

Even though it is heartbreaking, we must keep in mind that God will never leave our side.

“There was a little girl, Ellen, whose name I will mention. Who disappeared and returned with a tub of Angel Delight amid, all the fire engines and police cars flying around.” Rev Isy” was written on top of it. I am aware of your sadness. I wish you well after reading this.

That was just amazing

Through the window of the nearby Baptist church, where the Anglican church building was destroyed by fire, was where last night's service was held.
Community emotionally connected to this church

“Everyone’s support has been incredible. This community and everything in it are emotionally connected to this church. That won’t ever alter. Unfortunately, we will not be able to hold weddings, christenings or regrettably, funerals in our lovely church during the next few years.

“I would like to thank everyone for their kindness.  Their generosity will be greatly appreciated and greatly needed. Since the age of seven, I have resided here. Being the pastor of a fantastic church. Which is much more than just a structure is such a blessing. It’s the populace. There will also be a resurgence.

She continued, recalling that night of the fire, saying, “I was in my pyjamas.” “You better get up, the church is on fire, there’s a bin fire,” my husband Sam said. It was just a bin, I told him, so relax. However, it wasn’t until I was driving down Station Road that I noticed the flames.

It takes time for most people to recover from such a shock. By the time I managed to descend. It was five o’clock and the hall had completely burned down. With great kindness, the chief fire officer offered to lead me inside the church. You can only imagine the devastation, when I saw the condition of it and went back there today.

About forty of the congregation’s youth showed up, at her house on Tuesday night to participate in prayer and she expressed her gratitude for their support.

Through the window of the nearby Baptist church, where the Anglican church building was destroyed by fire, was where last night’s service was held.

According to Pastor Michael Wylie, Rev. Hawthorne-Steele had informed him that the evening would be inspirational.

Greenisland Church Destroyed After Arson Attack in Northern Ireland
Greenisland Church After Arson Attack Structure Badly Damaged

“She stated she didn’t want this to be a funeral.”

We all share a remarkable sense of unity. We will be fully behind Rev. Isy and the congregation in the coming days and months.

Coalition MLA Among those coming out to support the church was Stewart Dickson.

 “This community has demonstrated incredible support for the congregation, and it’s nothing short of what one would anticipate,” he remarked.

“Every church has come together, as have their communities. That’s the only positive outcome of all of this.

 We’re all here together.

Although it’s a very sad occasion, there is hope for the future.

Though sad and distressed, Isy has been working with young people in the community and has been involved in community work. She is still eager to reach out to those who she believes are to blame for this.

“We already know that this church will rebuild and that this community is united.”

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