Leicestershire and Other UK Places Recorded in Dog Cruelty | New Figures from the RSPCA

Dog Cruelty In Uk & Leicestershire

UK Towns and Leicestershire, increasing in dog cruelty. Statistics of RSPCA. The charity received 734 reports of dog abuse in the county in 2022. However last year, it received 861 reports.

The RSPCA received 52,662 reports of dog cruelty nationwide in 2023 (about 144 per day). As opposed to 48,567 in 2022 (an increase of 8% in a single year). The 42,613 reports of dog abuse received by the charity in 2020. A 23 percent increase in just 4 years.

A specific case involved the discovery of an injured puppy left in a layby beside, a busy main road close to Twycross. The puppy was between three and found months old and it was believed to be a shepherd cross.

After examining her, the veterinarian discovered, that she malnourished and had an old fracture on her right hind leg that had healed. The RSPCA’s CEO, Chris Sherwood, described the circumstances as “heartbreaking.”

An animal that discovered abandoned and chained to a post in Melton earlier in August is thought to be an American bulldog. It was later put down after being determined to have “significant” injuries.

Mr Sherwood said: “We are heartbroken that more dogs need our help. we must reject this and say ‘no more.'” Despite the belief that dogs are man’s best friend, an increasing number of dogs are being abused each year.

Dogs are the most common pets in the UK, but they may also be the most suffering animals. We hope that there will be less cruelty in the upcoming year. Since we all aware that we cannot accomplish this according to our wishes, we want everyone to work together to make the world a better place for animals.

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