Woman Accused  Of Child Abuse Montessori | Crime In London News

Twickenham Green Montessori in southwest London Crime

A young woman works at a £1,900-per-month Montessori nursery where she accused of seriously assaulting 12 children and abusing them.

At Twickenham Green Montessori in southwest London, Roksana Lecka, 21, is accused of 25 counts of child abuse, assault resulting in actual bodily harm, and attempting to cause grievous bodily harm.

She was remanded in custody following her appearance at Wimbledon Magistrates Court last week, with a hearing scheduled for Kingston Crown Court next month.

Lecka is accused of 12 counts of actual bodily harm, 12 counts of child cruelty, and 1 count of attempting to cause grievous bodily harm.

The nursery, which charges up to £1,900 per month, uses the Montessori approach to education, which entails letting kids follow their innate interests and hobbies.

As a result of the criminal case against Lecka, it was closed and is a part of the Riverside Nursery Schools group.

The charges filed at the magistrates court state that all accusations are related to one day, June 28.

“I understand the concern that this has caused in the community, especially for parents with young children in nursery,” said Detective Superintendent Ian Cameron of the Public Protection team of the Met Police’s South West area.

We immediately began a thorough investigation because these are very serious allegations.

It is reported that investigations are still underway, as are conversations with the local council, Ofsted, and the management of the nursery.

Twickenham Green Nursery stated that Lecka was suspended they knew about the accusations.

Twickenham Green Nursery stated that Lecka was suspended
Green Montessori Closed

To keep them updated on developments, we are in contact with the parents of the children in our creche. Their statement read, “Our top priority continues to be the safety and welfare for all of our children.

Lecka under remand until the August 21 Kingston Crown Court hearing.

At last Thursday’s first court appearance, no pleas were made.

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